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A Long Way from the Mountains…

Daphline is a hardworking little girl. She’s 12 years old and in the 7th grade. She is a non-critical little girl, always trying to settle a “spat” between siblings. She has come a long way from the “mountains of Savaan Roche” to where she is here in Fond Parisien. Her mother, Jolucia, died shortly after childbirth. Her father gave “Daphline” to his wife’s sister, whose husband had just been murdered! She already had nine children, including the new baby. So, Daphline’s aunt brought her and her cousin, Jolina, to our orphanage. What a miracle for these two babies!

Today, Daphline loves school, dancing, music, and playing with all of her “sisters.” The Bible says that God, “… raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes.” (1 Samuel 2:8) God has a great plan for Daphline and her cousin, Jolina. We love these sweet young girls, and we know God has a great plan for their lives! Sherry

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