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A Miracle for Mom and Baby

Dear Friends,

Here is an amazing story of our Birthing Center workers saving the life of a young mother and her baby!! It is a miracle, and this is “why” we are here!

Here is the story…

Sterline Petit is a 16-year-old teenager; she became pregnant when she was in her seventh year at public high school.

Under pressure from her parents, she tried several times to have an abortion with no success. So she decided to keep the child even if she had to face possibly being “kicked out” of the house by her parents. Today she came here to give birth. When she arrived, she was a serious case. This was due to a “tea” given to her by her mother, who called herself a matron. With a lack of knowledge, this endangered the life of her daughter and that of her grandchild. Sterline was very exhausted; she couldn’t find enough strength to push!

After giving birth, the baby was not breathing and did not cry normally. The midwife gave her a simulation after a few seconds; she cried and started to breathe well. After childbirth, Sterline had a hemorrhage and lost 200 ccs of blood! She was anemic and only had 9.6 grams of blood. Her condition worried us, but thanks to the medication and our wonderful midwives, the bleeding was stopped, and her condition became stable.

We are happy to tell you that the baby and her mother are doing well now. She is a girl; she weighs 3.5 kg (about 7.7 lbs.). Miss Sterline really appreciated the new clothes she received for her baby!!

“Thank you,” to our partners!! We love you!


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