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A Miracle is About to Happen

A Miracle is About to Happen

“A Miracle is About to Happen.”

As many of you know, we have been receiving 40-foot containers of special food from Feed My Starving Children for many years. Volunteers packed their food, and it took “thousands of volunteers!” When COVID-19 broke out, it changed everything. FMSC could no longer get the volunteers needed to come and pack; everything had to be packed by machine.

Even then, it was difficult to get the amount of food we needed each month, and that is why we had to buy white rice from Miami, tilapia fish, and black beans to make up the lost protein that we normally would have with the FMSC food. We got one container and distributed it to 100 missionary organizations with children. This container is sponsored every month by Joyce Meyer MinistriesHand of Hope.

We received another container sponsored by Jentezen Franklin/Kingdom Connection Partners. That container of food goes to many poor villages. We have been so thankful for these containers.

We just received word from Feed My Starving Children two days ago that they would be willing to give us 12 more containers of food in February!!

This was such a huge miracle that it almost took our breath away! You can imagine how we felt! We could not wait to tell our partners!

Each container of that particular FMSC food is valued at $65,000. That is how much it takes to make the food that fits into one container, 272,000 meals. It costs us around $10,000 to get the container of FMSC food to Miami from Chicago or Minneapolis, put it on a shipping container, and send it to Haiti. Then, once it arrives, the $$$ starts clicking. There are port and wharfage fees, customs, moving, transportation, and paying our drivers and workers. That all comes to around $10,000, and it is “not easy.”

We need to raise funds to cover ten containers of food, at $10,000 each!. This is a great, great miracle! So, if the Lord is laying it upon your heart to sponsor “one container of food,” $10,000, or help in someway (every penny counts), please get in touch with our Love A Child staff at 239 210 6107, or go online:

We really must raise these funds in a hurry.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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