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A New Shining Cross for Peyi Pouri: 8-21-2015 3:45 PM

Right now, Bobby, David George, and some of our Love A Child workers are on top of the mountain in Peyi Pouri. The workers are trying to erect a 40-foot high cross for the Peyi Pouri Church. It will be lit up with solar lights, and will be the “City Set on the Hill, which cannot be hid!” The high iron and cement cross is so heavy that it has taken many men to erect it, and it has already fallen once today. But when they get it up, just think what a testimony this will be for the poorest of the poor, who served God under this ripped, torn tent on top of a high mountain. Now, everyone will know that they are there and that they are serving a “God who cares!” Thank you, David George and partners! Sherry

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