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Agricultural Training Center (ATC) Harvesting Today

We love Wilner, the Director of our ATC, and all the workers and students in our ATC program. Helping Haitians to help themselves! He calls me “Big Boss” …

Missionary Bobby Burnette

P.S. Wilner is teaching himself English, so please excuse some of the translation in his latest message shared below:

Hello Big Boss!

Look at these pictures. Today, we are working at the new LAC vegetable garden site. We are doing binaj and transplant.

Binaj, is a technical term; when you finish planting the seeds, after 8 days, the plant has risen (sprouted), you poke the ground to make a small depression so that the roots develop well to prevent them from catching a disease called assimilation from excess water.

When the plants begin to have 15 to 22 days (are 2-3 weeks old), you transplant them into the prepared garden bed. You plant them so the air and sun, and wind can circulate well so that the plants can photosynthesize. The new garden bed is a cultivable space. We have many different varieties of plants in the space. The technical term is multiculturalism or intercalated culture.

We have a space for: Spinach, Onions, Leeks, Beets, Peppers, Carrots, Eggplants, Cucumbers

Tomorrow we will plant okra seeds and we will transplant cauliflower seedlings.

Each of these cultures (plants) has its own space. They have a very short cycle of 2 1/2 to 3 months good for harvesting.


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