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An Empty Sack Cannot Stand

An Empty Sack Cannot Stand

Hunger affects so many children here in Haiti, especially now. Parents cannot make a living easily, because they cannot cross the “gang locations” in many areas. Parents resort to cutting down trees for charcoal and making “mud cookies” to sell, and right now, mud cookies are in great demand. They expand in a child’s stomach by drinking water… it is only meant to fill the “void” of food temporarily.

Normally, many children find food at school, but then, their parents cannot afford the cost of school, the uniform, or books. It is a sad, sad heartbreaking situation.

This picture of this tiny little girl with the dirty “pilon” is a picture of what is happening in Haiti right now. “An empty sack, cannot stand.” Children who do not have food to eat, cannot stand, because they are too weak to stand. Food makes a difference! So, to those of you who gave with a food gift, large or small, or widow’s mite, thank you with all our hearts, on behalf of the children. May God bless you richly, Bobby and Sherry

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