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Back to School… “Thank You, Jesus!”

I love the “first day of school!” It is so quiet and peaceful here at our Orphanage! You have no idea how loud 85 kids can be “when they’re all talking at once!” Ha!

Zoey and Ginyia were up early! (The girls always get their hair braided the day before or earlier because this is a big job!) I caught Joshua, Ti Samuel, Noah, and Kenzy up early this morning!! In the meantime, a huge pot of spaghetti was cooking in the kitchen!!

Then, after breakfast, the younger ones form a circle and sing and pray! Then, “off to school!”

I went to the toddlers’ classes; they were all crying! I went to look at other classes, and they were empty! One of the teachers said, “The children are all in the church! The Pastor is talking to them, and then they will all be praying that they do well in school and pass all their tests!” (Note: The Junior High and High School children are not in this post; they come to school in the afternoon.)

Then, after prayer in church, they will be raising their flag, saluting it, and singing their anthem!

The church where the children are praying is our Love A Child Church here in Fond Parisien, Haiti.

Can you imagine the U.S. school districts allowing children from the U.S. to get together in a church and pray that they do well in school???

Haiti has its problems, its gangs, and even Voodoo, but they still allow children in public schools to pray!!

Thank you so much, partners, for your love, prayers, and support for Haiti and its children.


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