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Beaten, Broken, and Burned

Little Maranatha was brought to our Jesus Healing Center by Leny, a young Haitian man we know that works in a village nearby. He had a lady from the village carry little Maranatha in her arms. Leny and his organizationHotes Foundation, have done lot of great work in Haiti! 

It seems that Maranatha’s young mother who is 16 or 17 had this baby and the father left her. Then, she got with another man who didn’t want the baby. We know very little about what has been done to the baby because no one in the village is talking. We do know that she had malnutrition and that her leg was broken. Someone took her to a leaf doctor or possibly a witch doctor. We also know that the bottoms of both of her feet had been burned, and she possibly was burned or has an infection in the vaginal area. Maranatha is about 13 months old but cannot stand due to the burns on the bottoms of her feet.

Our doctor gave her a long examination, plenty of medicineantibiotics, as well as Ready to Use Supplementary Food (RUSF – a specially formulated peanut butter for malnutrition), given to us from our partners at MAP International. 
He then sent her to our emergency room to debris her feet and treat the burns with creams and wraps, and will see her in two days to then refer her for further care. He will decide on what care she will need after that. We told Leny we will do anything they need us to do. 

This was a sad thing to face this morning. But, the good news is that it is not too late for the Lord to move.
Thank you for your prayers and thank you again, MAP International. 


P.S. Here is a note Richard from Hotes Foundation sent to thank us:

Bobby and Sherry, God bless you for your Jesus Healing Center!

We have taken the baby away from the 16-year-old mom and have her in good hands plus she is now coming to our daycare center.

She definitely needs better nutrition. In addition to extreme abuse, she has obviously never been fed well. We are going to get her on a diet which helps her build her strength back up. The meds you gave her will get her burns and ear infection healing. Thank you! Thank you! And we are looking forward to what your doc thinks about her legs and Arms on Monday!

I love you all,


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