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Bianca, She’s Beautiful and She Can Cook!

Bianca came to us when she was a young girl, along with two other siblings. Her aunt brought the children to us, telling us that their parents died in one of those “Haitian sailboats,” trying to make it to the states. The children were young and really needed a good home… so we took them in.

Bianca is in her last year of high school. She is “different” than all the other children. She is quiet and usually in her room, doing research on school subjects. When she is bored, she loves to do housework and chores… but, “she really loves to cook,” and is a good cook!!!

She speaks French, Creole, and Spanish. She has a beautiful voice but has only sung a solo once and everyone stood on their feet!! She has one goal in life… to be a surgeon! She reads everything she can find about this!!

The best thing is that “she loves the Lord!” We love Bianca and we can’t wait to see what the future will bring for her!


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