We have been so blessed with such wonderful employees!
We honestly have the best team we could have ever dreamed of for the children at Love A Child! This woman is one of our room mothers at our children’s home named Madamn Vester! She works in the little boys’ room. There couldn’t be anyone sweeter to work in that room! Here in Haiti, there is no such thing as “a nice hot shower.”
Madamn Vester wakes up extra early each morning and makes her way to the kitchen to heat water for the little boys for their baths! Every morning she is in the kitchen at 4:00 AM so the boys can get a good, nice, warm shower before school! She goes out of her way to make sure they are comfortable, clean, and most of all well taken care of every day! When I see her off to the kitchen in the morning so she can give them a “warm” bath, it melts my heart every time! I got this picture in the morning as she was headed back to the room with a bucket of nice, warm water! Kaeli