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Some may say, “You are surrounded by gangs,” but we say, “We are surrounded by angels!” Parts of Haiti are very dangerous. Many missionaries have left and several missionary organizations have even left their compounds due to the gangs. Many missionaries have families, but it is too dangerous to be here with children unless they are in a safe area.

Thousands of Haitian families had to leave their homes and flee. The gangs are going in and taking over! How much of Haiti the gangs control, I don’t know. South Haiti and the Cape Haitian areas are good. But they say in Port-au-Prince, the gangs control 60% or more. Some hospitals are closed… many, many clinics are closed. The largest hospital in Port-au-Prince is closed, they tell me.

Many schools had to close in the dangerous areas. We had to pull out all of our “22 college orphan children” because it was dangerous to attend. Hundreds of businesses had to close. Haiti still has no elections. As long as the gangs are here, there will be no elections.

The police are out-gunned and with little funding. Some say, “Let Haiti take care of its problems.” I wish they could, but so far, they are a long way from doing this. Haiti has no real functional government. Some country, must come down and run the gangs out and help set the government on the right path. Please pray for Haiti and its precious people. The Haitian people are suffering more than we have ever seen them suffer. Haiti is in a food crisis… simply to live.

Thank you, for your prayers and support. We are the “boots on the ground,” here for the Lord!’ Our Jesus Healing Center, Birthing Center, Malnutrition Center, school, feeding programs, ongoing projects, plus so much more “are going forward.” The solar project and housing for future mission teams are going forward! Thank you, again, for your prayers and support. They both are needed more than ever. We love you…

Bobby and Sherry Burnette, “boots on the ground.”

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