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Caring for Malnourished Children

Caring for Malnourished Children

A Spoonful of Rice…

Poor families from the mountains with children to feed, have to figure out a way to feed everyone with “just a tiny little bit.” They will cook their little bit of rice or soup and take a spoon and pass a spoonful of food around to each one. Everyone gets a “bite,” and if they do not eat it, they can die.

Children live in misery because mothers and fathers cannot feed them. Fathers do not harvest anything in their gardens and children in the mountains drink “dirty water” to quench their thirst. As a result, many children in Haiti have malnutrition and worms.

Before we had the Malnutrition Center Clinic, sick children came to our adult Jesus Healing Center Clinic (as they still do). Doctors checked the child and prescribed medicine, but it was only a bandaid to get them healed… it could not stop the malnutrition. We realized that we had to do something “better” in order to save these children.

We have had our Malnutrition Center Clinic open now for one year. Many children are brought to us from remote areas, and now, we can keep these children until they reach their desired weight. We have to give them “special foods” and special milk (i.e. F100 and F175). The children are so malnourished they have to eat six times a day, small portions. We have health workers who are extremely dedicated to these children… they love feeding them, giving them baths, scrubbing their heads, playing with them, and loving them.

When the children reach the “weight” that they are supposed to be at, they can leave but they must come back every two weeks for a check-up. We send a box of Feed My Starving Children Food home with them so that the parents won’t “share” their “special milk” (which is for the malnourished child) with other children. If they do, that child will end up back in our Malnutrition Center Clinic.

We wish to thank Hand of Hope – Joyce Meyer Ministries for sponsoring the building of the Malnutrition Center and we wish to thank our partners, for the monthly support they provide to keep this running, paying the staff, the electric, the food, the special foods and medicines for the babies and the staff who makes this possible.

We are “Love A Child!”


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