Most of the poor children living in Haiti must work to help his or her family survive. They are not able to go to school because they must carry water, cook, and do other chores to help. Poor Haitian families do not have the money to send children to school because if they have any money, they must use it for food. Love A Child has a Child Sponsorship program that allows a child to go to school. We have so many children waiting for sponsorship. For only $24 a month you can give a Haitian child a future. Children in Haiti love going to school, but without sponsorship, an education isn’t available to them. When you sponsor a child with Love A Child, you will be bringing a child out of darkness and giving him or her an opportunity to thrive. They will be able to attend one of our Christian schools, in a caring, loving environment, receive regular medical check-ups and eat a hot, nutritious meal each day. Your sponsorship ensures that a child will receive an education and have all the necessary uniforms, books and school supplies that will help them build a better future. Consider sponsoring a child today. Sherry

Children need sponsors to go to school – 3-18-2016 3:00 PM
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