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Church Dedication in La Tremblay:  10-2-16  6:10 PM

Church Dedication in La Tremblay: 10-2-16 6:10 PM

Today David George, Jay along with Bobby and Sherry dedicated this new church in La Tremblay for Pastor Claude. David wants to pass on this message:

“Praise God for an awesome dedication service today at Pastor Claude’s new church. The church was packed and people were standing outside. The presence of God was very strong today. It is a joy to know that hundreds of people in this area will come to Jesus as Lord of their lives. This is one of the most beautiful churches in Haiti. I had the privilege of preaching on how God can take something ugly and make something beautiful out of it. Just look at the beautiful people in these pictures. Jay and I are so thrilled to be connected to Bobby and Sherry and Love A Child and be here in Haiti at this time. Thank you for all your prayers.”

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