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A clothing donation for the poor children in Haiti:  1-5-18  12:00 PM

A clothing donation for the poor children in Haiti: 1-5-18 12:00 PM

Just look at these cuties with knitted hats and handmade dresses! We always like to share these photos because our friends and partners are doing what Jesus said, “Clothing the naked… and caring for the poor.” These hats and dresses came from Eileen Bainter! Thank you, Eileen!!!

Here are more dresses for these precious little ones that came from Bishop Gary Hall Sr. and his friends. Each dress is made with love! Most of the children you see live in “mud-and-stick” huts with dirt floors. Anything new is out of the question. They barely have money for food, let alone, clothes! Thank you, Eileen, and thank you, Bishop Gary Hall Sr. for caring about the poor!!! God richly bless you! Bobby and Sherry

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