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Colin… “The Cost of the Last Handful of Food”

Colin… “The Cost of the Last Handful of Food”

Colin was just a little child when he lived in Miracle Village, not far from us. His parents had “many children” between them. (I do not believe that his father, a man deeply involved in Voodoo, was Colin’s real father.) When the food was cooking over a hot charcoal fire, all the kids got “their small share.” When the food was quickly finished, little Colin reached into the pot to take the last handful of food.

His father yelled at him and said, “I’ll teach you to be a thief,” and held his hand down in the hot charcoal coals. His hand was badly burned. That’s when someone called us and told us about Colin. We went and got him and cleaned his wound and took him to our clinic. The next day, we called the Department of Social Services and filled out a paper of complaint. They turned Colin over to us.

Colin’s hand healed but he had very bad problems with his teeth. He seemed to grow “teeth on top of teeth,” and it was disfiguring his face. He has already had a lot of dental work done… But, we will be taking him to a good dentist in the D.R. (for more dental work) as soon as we get a few of our “more serious” children cared for. I’m sure Colin will need braces and maybe some teeth pulled… other than that, he is in good health.

Colin is now in 8th grade. His “fuel” is soccer (he is the goalkeeper). Colin helps clean the Children’s Home, gathering trash, watering the plants and flowers, and now, taking care of BoBo, our new donkey. He is extremely intelligent and makes good grades in school. His dream is to be an engineer. We are proud of Colin.


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