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Container update information

Container update information

Please pray…

None of our containers of food had been pulled out of customs until Saturday. Casimi bravely tried delivering one container of 272,000 meals. He only made it partway and had to stop and hide our container because of gunfire and the gangs.

Today if he sees any way possible, he will bring the container to Love A Child… Please pray this container can make it, plus all our other containers in customs with more coming across the ocean all the time. This is a critical situation, please pray.

Remember Casimi in your prayers and our security with him. He is beyond being brave. Casimi is a hero for the poor. Also, pray for Nelio who is always dealing with customs and all the many headaches. He is turning gray-headed early! We will let you know this evening what happens today.

I cannot put into words how especially the children are needing these meals. They are hungry… This breaks our hearts into many pieces. Our hearts are down today. Thank you for your prayers and comments.

We are all doing this together for the Lord.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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