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Cute Little Pistol

We call him Ti Samuel (Little Samuel) because we have an older “Samuel” here at our Love A Child Children’s Home. What can I say about this little pistol? He is cute as a button and is missing some teeth. The Department of Social Services brought us a child, and one man had Ti Samuel in his arms. After we agreed to take the one child, he said, “What about this little guy?” Samuel was two years old at that time.

He quickly adjusted to his new life! He is four years old now and in Kindergarten Two. His favorite thing is “staying up at night!” He doesn’t want to go to sleep! He is “wired up” and wants to play all of the time! He loves eating sugarcane! He is also a good little student, very intelligent, and learns quickly. He “does” get into trouble once in a while but talks his way out of it! The funniest thing about him is that he “loves to sing” and always sings “off-key” and very loud. Everyone just laughs! Let’s see what God has in store for this little one…Maybe some “singing lessons?” We love you, Samuel! Sherry

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