Daniel is in 9th grade… He has a twin sister, Daniella, whom he “adores.” Daniel is quiet and never (well, hardly ever) causes any trouble. He has a big heart and loves school. During the day, or when he is not in school, he is working at the Tilapia Fish Farm or working in the garden. He is a sweet, smiling young man… He has had lots of problems with his eyes and is about to get glasses. He wants to take up “Computer Science.”
I know that all children in the states are “shut in” and cannot go to school. Many can do “homeschool” via the internet so they can keep up with their work. But here in Haiti, due to all the violence, the children did not go to school until late September, and then, they only went for a couple of weeks. Streets were closed due to violence, roadblocks, burning tires, etc.
I am sure they probably will not go back until the fall. It breaks my heart because Haitian children love school and they love to learn! If they had the means, they would keep on learning anything they could, going to any extra class, or learning another language!
I hope and pray for the sake of all of Haiti’s children that the coronavirus and the “violence” will pass, especially for children like Daniel! Sherry