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Delicious Haitian-Grown Coffee!

Delicious Haitian-Grown Coffee!

Oh, how I enjoyed meeting the Haitian coffee farmers in Thiotte, Haiti, on Friday and seeing others bringing in their coffee to sell. Such nice, hard-working people. Joel, Yvonne, and I enjoyed our cup of Haitian coffee sitting on the front porch of a Haitian coffee farmer. Delicious! Sherry and I have our first cup of coffee here every day in Haiti at 3:30 a.m. Sherry loves reading her Bible and drinking her coffee!
Coffee was first introduced to Haiti in 1725. Haiti has the best coffee in the world. Starbucks uses it for it their Starbucks Reserve coffee, the coffee bean which is grown in Thiotte, Haiti. They say it’s the best coffee bean found anywhere in the world. All Haitian coffee is rich in flavor, medium body, and relativity low acidity that gives the coffee its smooth flavor and softness. I just loved the hardworking Haitian people and seeing the whole process of the coffee bean, which is red on the tree. Amazing!
We are seeing how we can help the Haitian coffee farmers and promote what they do. Oh, I can smell the Haitian coffee now! Sherry has her coffee on now and getting ready for another cup!
Bobby Burnette
Posted in Latest News