This is Dieubon, and his name means “God is good” in Creole. When Dieubon was born, he was suffering from malnutrition and was born with clubfeet, as many children are in Haiti. There was no money for a doctor or hospital; his mother didn’t know what to do. But God provided loving partners in Doctor Chester Falterman and his wife Debbie. They found a good surgeon and took Dieubon into their home to provide love and the best of care. That was about ten years ago, and Dieubon recently had to have “spina bifida surgery on his back.” Shriners Hospital of Tampa provided that treatment here in Florida. Our own staff, Rad and Sandra Hazelip of Love A Child, cared for him during his recovery! He has a wonderful life ahead of him…he is our “Mephibosheth.” Bobby and Sherry
Update on Dieubon: 12-7-16 2:00 PM
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