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Dieubon… God is Good!

Dieubon… God is Good!

We were having a Mobile Clinic in Fond Parisien, and just returned from another trip to the mountains. Dr. Chester Falterman was with us. He has always been part of our life. As Dieubon’s mother brought him to us, we noticed that he was walking with “club feet.” This is usually a problem caused in the “birth canal,” or so I have been told. Haitians consider this as a demon spirit that has attacked a child.

Dieubon would not be able to survive with club feet in Haiti. There are very few if any “handicap” ministries in Haiti and for him to receive an operation was out of the question. We had no money. But the Lord laid it upon Dr. Falterman to find a surgeon and a hospital that would do the surgery and cover all the hospital expenses at no charge. This was done, by a miracle!

Then, who would care for this child all these months? Dr. Falterman and his wife, Debbie, gladly volunteered and for over a year or more, Dieubon was living with this wonderful Christian couple. They brought him back to Haiti, after having both feet operated on, and an operation on his back. He began to heal but the spina bifida stunted his growth. He is about as tall as the second graders but is growing a beard!! Not sure how to explain this!! However, since his father and mother do not have a job, we gave Dieubon a job of painting… He can only do the baseboards, but he does good work!! He is polite and takes instruction and “mama Sherry warnings,” very well! Everyone loves Dieubon. And, by the way, the name Dieubon means, “God is good,” and He always is!

On another sad note, we lost our dear friend Dr. Chester Falterman a few years ago. He is with Jesus and we know the Lord is well-pleased with the work he has done!


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