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Difficult Weekend for Jackson

Little Jackson has been very sick the whole weekend. He has high blood pressure, pains in his chest, and difficulty breathing, among other things. Every two hours, his blood pressure is checked and sent to the doctors in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Jesse Ostrander has been on the phone many times with the doctors.

Jackson is on dialysis eight hours per night on top of all of this. Please pray the border will open. We must get him and Job to the Santo Domingo hospitals. This is urgent!

We want to thank Jesse for his time and phone calls to the doctors and the nurses. We want to thank Dr. Barthelemy here and our three Haitian nurses who have kept a close watch on Jackson. The mothers of the Orphan’s Home we want to thank as well.

Thank you for praying.

Love is something you do!

Bobby and Sherry

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