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Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief

It is hard for us to comprehend the suffering, despair, and total desperation of those who have been through this earthquake in the southern part of Haiti.

We are here in Jeremie, one of the areas affected by the earthquake. Yesterday, the workers began unloading the boat of rice (6,000 sacks), cooking oil, beans, and milk for babies — tons of food. The people, along with Mayor Yvrose, worked into the night until 3:00 am. They are back out there, still unloading.

Today, we will start giving food to the hardest-hit provinces.

Jesse Ostrander and our other crew are in Nippes, Haiti, in hard-to-reach areas that no one has gone.

Jesse said, “too many people, not enough food,” even though we had sent tons of food. That is how this earthquake has affected them.

Having been through the 2010 earthquake you could describe the word as a feeling of “hopelessness.”  Today, the food that you have sent, your love, and your sacrifices will go a long way to let them know that someone loved them. Thank you so much for your giving hearts. The work is not finished yet, we have more to do. Bobby and Sherry

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