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Earthquake Anniversary

Earthquake Anniversary

Today is the one-year anniversary of the 2021 South Haiti earthquake.

Early in the morning of August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwest Haiti, killing 2,200 people, injuring more than 12,000, and causing hospitals, schools, and homes to collapse. Hundreds of thousands of people were in immediate need of humanitarian help, and many still are today.

With the help of many of our friends and partners, we sent tons of life-saving food. Jesse Ostrander, along with Hubert and his team, covered part of southwest Haiti as Sherry and I went into Jeremie (the south tip of Haiti), meeting and working with Mayor Yvrose. We brought with us tons of rice, beans, cooking oil, and carnation milk for the people in “a big ship.”

With many of you helping with our next step, we purchased and sent over 2,000 camping tents to help to supply shelter for families to keep them out of the rain. We sent in hundreds of tarps to supply some relief from the rain, for those who did not receive a tent. We sent new blankets, personal items, clothes, and relief supplies.

With the help of our partners working together, we started building the special earthquake resistance “Gabion Houses” for those who lost everything. Our goal, by faith, is to build 100 by the end of the year. We have 60 built now… working on more by faith!

Note: Since last August 2021, many tremors have struck south Haiti including several earthquakes. Even last Monday, a magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck the Department of Nippes area (south Haiti), again. Two people were killed and many homes were damaged. Some people are scared to go back into their homes.

PTL! Not one of our Gabion houses suffered any damage at all! Personally speaking, I would never live in South Haiti, unless I lived in a Gabion house! The first Gabion house Sherry and I dedicated was for a blind grandma who lost her house in the earthquake. She and her family have been extremely thankful ever since.

$9,000 will build a beautiful Gabion house with two or three bedrooms with a front porch. Please pray, any amount will help. Thank you for your prayers and support. We are working together… Love is something you do!!

Note: If you would like to donate, you can go to our website and give. Or, you can give by phone: 239-210-6107; or you can give by mail: Love A Child, Inc., PO Box 60063, Fort Myers, FL 33906-6063.

Thank you so much and may God bless you.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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