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Elijah Update – 08-25-14 – 8 PM

The new baby that we found abandoned under some bushes at our Love A Child front gate is still “hanging in there.” He had a CT Scan two days ago.  We were at the hospital yesterday and tried to call today to find out the results and his prognosis, but haven’t been able to reach his doctor yet. We will try again tomorrow. We have mothers from our orphanage taking turns staying with him at the hospital. He has a hydrocephalic head, which causes severe seizures. He is on medication and resting better. After talking to his doctor, we will be able to make a better decision in regards to his treatment. We pray for “wisdom” for this three-month-old baby. Special thanks goes to the RWH Foundation for all of their help and care and for “going the extra mile” for Elijah! Sherry

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