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Entrepreneurs… They Say, “God Still Does His Miracle Stuff!”

Entrepreneurs… They Say, “God Still Does His Miracle Stuff!”

We have three older boys, Dieuferly, Frantzo and Jean Gardy, who have a “business mind!” These three young men were raised here in our Orphanage from the age of three, seven, and six… but as they grew, they knew someday, they would need to have a way to make a living. So that in the future, they would be getting married and having a family.

Frantzo has gone to Bible College, but he is taking other subjects now. He is one of the three boys who are making a business. Frantzo does a lot of the marketing, Dieuferly does the photography, and Jean Gardy is the financial manager. They built a small “snack shop” on our land near our Birthing Center. They began by selling cold drinks and Haitian biscuits called “pah-tays.” Then, they used their money to build a small room, so people could come in and sit down and eat. (They don’t have the roof on the building yet, but they will!)

Their next idea is to buy food items and sell them to the “machans,” or lady sellers. This would be “very good” for the machans because now, they have to go to dangerous zones to buy items like rice, and resell it to make a living to feed their families! They are begging the boys to get this business started!

Even though Haiti is full of gangs blocking the roads and kidnappings, the amazing thing is that Haitians still have “hope!” They all believe God is going to intervene in Haiti,  so they are “hanging in there!” These three young men, “Love A Child” boys, have grown up being taught to always be kind and honest and treat the poor with respect, and always put God first! They have “faith” that even as things look like they are going “from bad to worse,” that doesn’t matter to God! He can still do His “miracle stuff,” like He always has done!

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