Since we had to bring home all of our College Students due to the gangs, everyone has to find extra work! In addition to cleaning her room and helping with the kitchen, there is still a LOT of work each day for Lovely and her sisters!
Lovely was sent to us years ago when she was found sitting on the side of the road. We are told that one of her parents, her father, had a disease and that her mother left Lovely “alone.” She was very ill when we took her in and she has been on medication all of her life.
You would think she would be depressed, but she knows that God is going to heal her! Each night at our Children’s Home we have a service, except Saturday evening. When the main service is over, I can hear Lovely singing… and it’s as if an Angel is singing! She is so “anointed!”
Lovely wants to study Psychology because she wants to help those who have been through trauma! Each day, she volunteers at our Maternity Clinic! She brings joy and comfort to everyone there. We love “Lovely!” Thank you, partners!