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“Faith Cometh by Hearing…”

We love our Jesus Healing Center! It is a place to give good, gentle care to the poor, and it is also a time to bless them with the Gospel! We recently received some solar audio players sponsored by Pastor Gregory Dickow. The people don’t even need electricity! They can charge this audio player in the sun!

Just look at these happy faces! And they could not come at a better time because the country of Haiti is in a crisis! We have no security at all! Gangs have taken over and forced the poor from their homes. This has made it impossible to get some of our children to a wonderful hospital in one of the worst and most dangerous areas.

These precious people are all “under stress.” They never know when the gangs will be coming after them. This is why these solar battery-operated “Bibles” are so important. Even if a person cannot read, they “can hear the Word of God!”

Thank you so much, Pastor Gregory Dickow, for sponsoring these wonderful, wonderful gifts for the poor!!! We know that our “Jesus Healing Center” is like a “burning light” in a country full of darkness! God bless you, Pastor Dickow, and God bless all our wonderful partners!!!



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