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I’ve seen on social media and other posts that Love A Child gave $1,000,000 for the release of our four children and for a total of 23 employees, including one who died.

This is not true; total fake news.

No private person or party paid any money. It is illegal for a nonprofit to give money to terrorists.

In Haiti, the gangs are counted as terrorists by the United States government.

It is a $500,000 fine and up to 15 years in prison.

For 15 long nights and days, Nelio, our Love A Child director, along with others from Love A Child, negotiated with the terrorists. The Lord gave great favor, and all were released by a divine miracle.

Believe me, if it was not for God and His favor upon Love A Child, they would all still be in the hands of the 400 Mawozo (Papaya gang)!!

The U.S. embassy also made calls to me and gave me advice. We are thankful…

Shocking, horrible, and a living nightmare.

Our children told us the Papaya gang cut off a man’s head in front of them, sacrificed it to Satan, and drank the blood. Our poor lab tech went insane, tearing her clothes off, and died.

Every night the gang did Voodoo all night long. The children told me the Papaya gang killed a new person every night to sacrifice to Satan, drinking the blood. All night long, our people told us the Papaya gang would yell out, “cut out a heart and bring it to me.” Someone else would say in the middle of the night, bring me a lung, bring me an arm or a leg—loud Voodoo music all night, drinking and drugs all night.

Having our employees and children kidnapped were the darkest days of our lives. PTL for God’s favor! The Lord can deliver out of the mouth of the lion!!

Thank you for all your prayers and support.

Pray for all the different gangs in Haiti. They live deep on the dark side of Voodoo.

Jesus is the light!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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