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Feeding Hungry Children…

When we first began traveling to Haiti many years ago, it was the little children that touched our hearts. One night, many years ago, in Port au Prince, it was raining. Bobby noticed a little Haitian girl in the rain, trying to sell a few items she had in her little hand. She began to tell Bobby, through our interpreter, that if she did not sell, her little brothers and sisters would not eat. Bobby reached down and put money in her hand. It was her story and others that led us to programs for feeding hungry children.

But we realized we could not feed all the children unless we partnered with other missionaries who had the same burden. So when we receive food containers from Feed My Starving Children, we feed many villagers, schools, etc.  But, once a month, we share food containers with over a hundred organizations that are also trying to feed children.

This is one of them, Dayspring Missions. They are so thankful for this food to help feed the children they work with! Just look at this little guy’s face. His smile tells it all!

Thank you so much,

Bobby and Sherry

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