Yesterday, we sent food to the area of L’Artibonite. The area where we work is called “L’estere.” This was the second area where we began working in Haiti many, many years ago in L’Artibonite, (Petit Desdunes). This is a tough area to work in, but we love the people and have been working with them for many years.
Food was taken to our school and also for the “feeding program,” which is cooked food for the children who are not in our schools. We also had 27.5 lb bags of rice that we had purchased when customs were locked down in Haiti, and we couldn’t get our food released. We purchased these nice sacks of rice and have been distributing them since then.
The people and the children are always so, so happy when the food truck arrives!!! This is one area that Bobby and I cannot travel to at the moment, due to all the kidnappings and violence. Our Haitian truck drivers know the “back roads,” and they know when to leave with the food. There are still many robberies and kidnappings going on in Haiti, but this has made food “even more scarce!”
Haiti is on the brink of starvation unless we get relief from the gangs, Thank you, friends and partners, for your prayers and support!!! Bobby and Sherry