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Feeding orphan children in Haiti

Feeding orphan children: 1-12-16 11:00 AM

A Haitian Creole Proverb tells us, “Those who share their food, never eat alone…” Today, it is all about “sharing,” and not being selfish with what God has blessed us with. We are thankful to Feed My Starving Children, who regularly donates food to us, free of charge. We have to pick up the food in the States, send it by rail or truck to Miami and then ship it to Haiti and get it released from Customs in Haiti, which takes about a month. This costs us $10,000 per container, (and we need eight containers a month), but the food has a value of $65,000! Each month, Pastor Jean Fega Supreme is feeding children like these. Some of his children have suffered from anemia and malnutrition, but they are doing great now! Thank you again partners for “sharing with the hungry children in Haiti!” Bobby and Sherry

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