Our big, heavy food truck left a short while ago to the village of L’ Estere, in L’Artibonite.
We have been feeding over 1,000 children daily there, in addition to some adults. It takes 14 large “chodias” to cook all this food. (Some of you who have been to Haiti know how big these large chodias are!!)
It takes at least three hours or more for our truck to get there, and they must go through “very dangerous areas!” We always pray that they will arrive safely and come back safely.
This was the first village we began working in, more than 30 years ago!! This village is very poor and really needs this food.
At the same time, another truck delivered food to the families in Old Letant and New Letant. They all met together at
New Letant, which saved us a lot of time!
Thank you so much, partners, those who give the “widow’s mite” and those who give more.
May God richly bless you for feeding the hungry.
Bobby and Sherry