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Feeding the Prisoners in Anse-a-Vaux and Nippes


“For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat, I was thirsty and a stranger. I was in prison, and ye visited me…” Matt. 25:35

“When we do these things we are doing them unto Jesus himself…” Matt. 25:40

Hubert and our Love A Child team just fed 250 prisoners in Anse-a-Vaux, and Nippes, Haiti which is in southern Haiti. The prisoners were skin and bones. We cannot show you how “skinny and ill-health” they were. Hubert’s wife with her friends worked all night preparing them a hot and delicious meal. Oh, they were so happy and thankful! Thank you to everyone who helps financially to help make all of our Feeding Programs possible. Thank you Hubert for all your hard work. We would like to feed all the prisoners in the area weekly as the Lord provides.

Love is something you do!

Bobby Burnette

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