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Feeding the Villages on this Thanksgiving Day

Feeding the Villages on this Thanksgiving Day

We are thankful for the meals being distributed to the very poor area of Sou Moulen, Haiti. Each box that you see has 216 nourishing meals inside full of rice, peas, carrots, onions, and soy. It’s enough protein as a chicken breast. Plus, minerals and many vitamins. The Haitians love these meals from Feed My Starving Children. They call it “ti pa nou,” just a little for us.

Each 40-foot container donated to Love A Child contains 272,000 meals. Each container costs Feed My Starving Children $65,000 to pack the meals. It costs Love A Child around $10,000 to ship each container to Haiti, bring it through Customs, and then have it distributed. Feed My Starving Children ships us 11 containers per month.

We wish we could buy more rice in Haiti, but it’s difficult to find and more expensive. We also ship in beans to give to the Haitian people. It’s very difficult to find beans in Haiti, and they are very, very expensive. The price of all food products, along with everything else, has skyrocketed in Haiti.

Thank you to all our friends who help give to make all this possible. The shipping of the meals and getting them out of Customs each month is our biggest load and burden. We believe in the Lord for the money. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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