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Little children in Haiti “live” in flip-flops. We call them “flip-flops,” but the Haitian children call them “sandals.” They go through a lot of wear and tear while walking on rocky roads, climbing up mountains, and just in their day-to-day life. While we can all afford “sandals” (flip-flops), most children in Haiti cannot. When it is a choice between food and “sandals,” food is a top priority.

We are so thankful to one of our partners, Kathleen Nelson, for sending a LOT of flip-flops to the children of Haiti! Our missionary, Kaeli, had the fun job of “giving them out to the children!” They all left with a prize… new “sandals!”

Thank you, Kathleen! “When you do this unto the least of one of these little ones, you are doing it unto Jesus!”  How sweet! God bless you, Sherry

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