There is so much joy in being able to grow your own food. Once you have gardening skills, you will have reliable nutritious food, and you feel a “connection” to God and the earth that is hard to explain. At our Agricultural Training Center (ATC), we demonstrate and teach methods of sustainable gardening so that Haitians can learn to “help themselves.” This is “sustainability”… food for life for the Haitian families and communities, but it also gives dignity, pride, and a “peace beyond all understanding.” Here are two pictures of new gardens from some of our prior ATC class students in Pignon, Haiti. Nicolas Victorin and his students are now able to have community-sized gardens which provide food security, stabilizing their local situation and economy. In our three-week class, the students learn enough to return home and begin to change the circumstances for many families. We do the same at the Love A Child Children’s Home, where some of the kids help Wilner’s agricultural staff grow gardens that produce a welcome bounty for the orphanage kitchen. Here you see Augustnan with new soursop fruits, and the guys harvesting okra and melons. When you give a gift towards a scholarship for our ATC students, you are giving a gift that pays off for generations to come, as the gardens keep producing and producing. Farming God’s way is enduring. God Bless you.
Food for Life
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