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Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from the ATC!

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from the ATC!

Just look at what our Agricultural Team is doing!!! When we first moved on to this property, we thought it was the “ugliest property in Haiti!” It had nothing but thorn trees and huge, long dry needles that stuck in our boots!

But, after a while, we cleared the land and found out that the soil is great! The reason was that the trees, which had the thorny bushes, put nitrogen into the soil… now, it will grow almost anything!

We are so thankful to Rad, whose heart is really in “agriculture,” training, and “food for life!” Now, we have ATC  (Agriculture Training Center) classes, training Haitians how to grow crops (even in bad soil), and our ATC workers are always bringing bundles of fresh vegetables, and fruits to our Love A Child Children’s Home, to the Birthing Center, and we feed all our workers here “three times a day,” and they have good food to eat!

We love “Wilner,” who runs our Agricultural Training Center and keeps all the fruits and vegetables growing here!!! He has a wonderful crew he has trained and he keeps with up everything! He has a degree, understands agriculture and soil in Haiti, and is very organized… but, this great project is the birth of Rad Hazelip, at our Love A Child office!!! He always sees everything as “jobs for the future!”

You cannot imagine how excited Bobby gets when they come to our Children’s Home, with both bundles of fresh onions, beans, papayas, etc.!!! Thank you to all our wonderful partners, who have helped us, supported us, and encouraged us!

Sherry Burnette

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