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Fresh Mangoes and Okra!

I just took these pictures of our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) guys who just brought more fresh fruit to our Children’s Home. Yum!! Fresh mangoes and okra! The children will be happy.

Today for lunch I will eat the fried okra with my fingers and have a mango for dessert!

God bless Wilner who is the head of our ATC. All these fellows have a green thumb. So many Haitians come to our ATC and learn how to grow better crops even in bad soil. This is a sustainability project helping Haitians to help themselves.

Thank you “Hope Seeds” for all the many seeds donated. We love you, David Balsbaugh. Thank you Rad Hazelip for the vision of this project.

It all started from a seed. Let God bless your seed sown today!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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