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Friendship… Working Hard Together

Friendship… Working Hard Together

Today, on a very remote mountain road, we happened upon a group of men singing and working. Kim and I stopped to see what they were doing. It seemed like an odd place for a group of men to be working like that. They were planting banana trees by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

It was very hot, and they were dripping with sweat, but all sang in unison. The lyrics to the song were, “when I had money, I had friends, but now that I have no money I have no friends.” Though they sang this song, it was clear to us that these guys had each other. Though they had nothing, they were buddies. The Bible says a friend sticks closer than a brother. And a true friend is your friend no matter what your situation is. May we be that true friend to those around us today.

Jesse Ostrander

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