In severe cases of malnutrition, usually, dark hair can turn red or blonde. This is a symptom of Kwashiorkor, a syndrome that’s a sign of critical starvation, often caused by protein deficiency. Kwashiorkor is common during periods of famine and starvation.
In the small village of Kangladen, some children are in different degrees of malnutrition; this week, our faithful Love A Child crew in the south of Haiti prepared and served a hot, nutritious meal to 149 famished children. Many of the small children came from afar and had their parents carry them on their shoulders.
Your consistent and faithful gift to Love A Child helps enable us to reach out to some of the poorest children on earth down here in Haiti. Thank you for giving today, the need is great, and the famine in Haiti is getting worse by the day.
Note: Sherry and I are hoping to be in South Haiti around the 23rd of June.
PTL! The new future Food Distribution Center there has been sponsored! Thank you, Life Changers International Church, Pastor Gregory Dickow. Love is something you do!
Bobby Burnette