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Girls’ Clothes Needed

We have lots of girls, all sizes, at our Children’s Home. We are thankful to those who have sent in boys’ clothes, but now, the girls need clothes. They are not permitted to wear jeans or shorts, so they wear things like sundresses, or skirts and blouses. If they play soccer or basketball, they wear tights under their skirts.

They are mostly sized 5 to 9, but one or two, are heavier and shorter. They really need “daily clothes,” and especially “church clothes.” If you find any young girls’/ teen girls’/young ladies’ clothes at good prices, sales, or Amazon,  please box them up and send them to us at:

Love A Child, 12411 Commerce Lakes Dr., Ft. Myers, Fl 33913

Mark the box: Clothes: Love A Child Children’s Home

We love our girls!! Thank you so much!!


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