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Giving food to the families in New Letant!

Giving food to the families in New Letant!

Pastor Jentezen Franklin built 100 houses for the people in New Letant after the 2010 earthquake. What is so funny is, you could see all the huts yesterday in Old Letant where we gave meals out to the families there. When Pastor Jentezen built the new homes in New Letant, we moved the families of Old Letant into New Letant, and they left their huts…

WE THOUGHT!! The people of New Letant rented their huts out to other people. They became true capitalists!!! (Jentezen calls New Letant the “Kingdom Connection Village”).

Everyone was very thankful for their Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals. The Haitians call it “ti pa nou” just a little for us.

We want to thank FMSC for donating the meals, and our friends for helping us with the $10,000 for each container to be shipped down here and through customs, then delivered to the different areas. Last month we received 11 containers… we are receiving 10 containers per month now from FMSC. BY FAITH!

Bobby Burnette

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