This afternoon Sherry and I attended the funeral of our dear and close friend “Gloria Adams.” She and her husband founded “Jesus Is Ministries” in Inglis, Florida. They helped and put in their program for those who were addicted to drugs, alcohol, and those who had lost everything. They shared Jesus’ love with them with tremendous success! Sherry and I have been there many times to minister. Jim Adams and I were very close friends. He died about 7 years ago.
The anointing for this ministry fell upon Gloria, his wife, to run things as he did. These two were the most “unselfish people” Sherry and I have ever met. They would go and pick up “tin cans” to sell to run the ministry. They had such a great love for those who were down on their luck. They even turned their own home over to help those who had nothing. They moved into one small room of their house for themselves.
Soon, the ministry began to grow… they built housing for many who were in their program. Gloria, our dear friend, went to be with Jesus and has been promoted into glory. I’m sure Jim, her late husband, a man of faith, was there waiting for her! Jeff Adams, Gloria, and Jim’s son have also been running the ministry and will continue to do so with his wife Bunny.
When our tractor and the bush-hog with blades, ran me over in Haiti, I was flown to a trauma center in New Orleans. They both drove up and sat in my room every day for several hours a day praying. I will never forget it, Jeff and Bunny. Prayer worked! No one could believe how fast healing was taking place in my body.
Sherry and I wanted to give special honor to Gloria Adams our special friend. “Jesus Is Ministry” is a wonderful ministry helping so many people. The Bible says, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”
Bobby and Sherry