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“God is a God of Miracles!”

Many of you do not know the stories of how we started our Orphanage and the stories of the children. The picture of this “skeleton-like” boy Bobby and I are with is “Yonel!”

We found him during one of our Mobile Clinics. He looked like a “skeleton!” He had come to our Mobile Clinic with his grandma and baby sister, who was dying. Yonel told us stories of his tortured life. We took him back to our Orphanage and God brought him back to life!!!

Now, he is married and just had his baby dedicated to the Lord! What a mighty God we serve! Thank you, partners! You keep on “producing fruit,” and changing and saving lives! The Haitians would say, “Pa gen bouch pou pale!” Or… “We don’t have the words (to talk)!”

“You” just keep on saving, rescuing the poor, and making sacrifices! Great is your reward in Heaven!!!


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