Dieubon… It means, “God is good!”
That is certainly true of Dieubon. We found him years ago during a Mobile Medical Clinic near Fond Parisien. His parents were living in a hut with five other children, and Dieubon had severe “club feet.” (Club foot and hydrocephalic children are more common in Haiti.)
We could not find a surgeon that we thought could do a good job, but some of our friends, Dr. Chester and Debbie, offered to find a physician and take care of him until he was ready to leave Haiti. Dieubon had the best of care. Before long, he was walking very well. Then, he had a major problem with spina bifida. (A birth defect that occurs when the spine and spinal cord don’t form properly). So, he also had a type of surgery for spina bifida. When he was well enough, we brought him back to Haiti. Because of his spinal problems, he never grew very tall. We needed to find a job for him that won’t be too strenuous, but we want to give him a chance to stand “on his own two feet.” So, we put him on our painting crew. Dieubon gets the jobs “closest to the ground!” With his job, he helps support his family.
Everyone loves him! The kids call him “Haitian Spongebob!” He is sweet, kind, obedient, and “very funny.” We all love Dieubon!!! Let’s see what God is going to do in his life!!