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God’s Getting Ready to “Clean House!”

God’s Getting Ready to “Clean House!”

For a long time now, we here in Haiti (especially us missionaries) have been going through a “living hell” with the gangs on the streets. We can no longer take our orphan kids to the beach for a day out. We can no longer take them out for pizza and a coke; and going to many places we used to go to deliver food, is out of the question due to gangs. I can tell you that it is a scary sight to see “heavy duty guns pointed at you, while you are in your car, trying to get away from them!” That’s what has happened to us and many others.

The worst thing is, seeing the poor starving to death… even prisoners are dying of starvation. The price of food has gone “through the roof,” and the poor are suffering now more than ever. We all have been praying and believing for God to intervene.

Here is the scripture I found this morning…
“Fret not yourself because of evil-doers, neither be you envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be ‘cut down,’ like the grass, and whither as the green herb; Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shall ye dwell in the land, and verily you shall be fed; Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart…” Ps. 37:1-4

Perhaps you may not be surrounded by gangs, but you certainly may be surrounded by evil people in your neighborhood, or your workplace. God is getting ready to “clean house!” I would say, He’s getting ready to “cut the grass” and mow down the evil-doers that surround us! Have a great day, knowing that our best “defense” is the Lord!


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