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Haiti Latest News:

When a Haitian lays down to sleep at night, fear lays down beside him,” this is a Haitian proverb.

Fear has gripped the hearts of the Haitian people like we have never seen! Over 700,000 Haitian families have been displaced and run out of their homes by the gangs. 2,000 families alone, from the community Ganthier, just 8 minutes from Love A Child. This week, a gang went into a village area called, “Ponds Sonde,” killing 70 people with many children among them. They committed genocide in the worst way. Sherry and I have been through Ponds Sonde many times. The gangs are growing in power and taking more territory every day.

We are thankful for our security and community brigade who protects Love A Child and the whole community. On Wednesday, the gangs were near our buffer zone, but they were stopped dead in their tracks.

Through all of this, we have not closed or stopped anything we have been doing, but actually growing and expanding, helping every Haitian we can. With the help of our partners, we will be giving out more food than we ever had before the end of the year. Children and families are hungry. Thank you for your prayers and continued support.

We are believing Haiti for Christ!

Bobby Burnette
Psalms 91

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