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Haiti News Update & Jackson and Job Update

Prime Minister Ariel Henry of Haiti has resigned, as the gangs run rampant through most of the country. He said he would stay until a transition takes place in the government. He is still outside of the country. I can’t see the gangs letting him back in the country. Haiti’s problems are far from over.

Job is doing good after his operation. He is wheeling around the house like a NASCAR driver! He loves his new wheelchair.

Jesse Ostrander is saying Jackson is doing better now without his chest pains… He met yesterday with the nephrologist and the psychologist. Today, more blood tests, and the doctor is changing his blood pressure medication. They both will be in the Dominican Republic for several more days.

A special thank you to Jesse Ostrander and his two dialysis nurses, Madamn Polynice and Madamn Kita. Love is something you do!

Bobby Burnette

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